It's my first run event. Usually would be going for a simpler 5km or 7km Fun Run. Not me. Being an ex-long distance runner in school (yes, I was usually forced to participate in long distance runs for the school), I know finishing a 5km run is just not enough for me. And besides, there are no medals for the 5km event.
So, a few months before the event, I began my preparation. I tried to control my food intake to lighten up my body as you might have read in my previous post that I have gotten quite ummm... Round if you get the drift.
So, talking about the event, being my first and all, I had to get someone to join me. And after some persuasions (and blackmailing, hehehe) I've managed to get one of my office colleagues to join even if he is going to go for the 5km run. At least I know that I'm not the only one waking up early on that particular day,
So, with the registration done, went to collect my kit a week before the event. They gave us the orange bib and bib no as well as D-Tag for runners joining the 11km race. For those who don't know what D-Tags are, google it, hehehehe...
So, a day before the race, I actually just ran about 5km to make sure that I can control my pace around 6:30 per km. Managed that and went to sleep around 11.30pm to make sure that I am well energised for the run. And yes, made sure that I got all my gears equipped for the run.

Nike LunarElite+, D-Tag (on shoe), iPhone 4 (Runkeeper app), Sennheiser earphones,
2Toms Sportsshield Roll-On, Nuun, Spi-Belt, Bib No, Madware Sports Armband, Mizuno Orange Bib.
At 5.30 am, on a Sunday, while others are still busy snoring away (even lovely wifey), I was awake to take my bath and took off around 6.ooam to pick my colleague who lives quite close by. We then arrived at he designated location of the run around 6.30am, and as being very early, managed to park quite close to the venue.
Once arrived, as I didn't had any breakfast, went on to gulp down a packet of AccelGel Lime, which I think taste very nice so early in the morning. While walking towards the starting point, suddenly I feel my stomach churning inside of me. Great, gotta find a toilet to do business now and 40 minutes left before the start of the race. Had to queue for 20 minutes, finished up what I'm supposed to do and then my colleague asked to snap some quick pictures before the race. So, here are some of them.

Posing at the Mizuno Wave Run 2010 Board

"And I shall finish this run there..."
While waiting for the run to start, we made a simple browse through of the competition and this is what my colleague had to say, "Bro, looks like even to get the top 1500 seems like a longshot for you." This is because all other runners look simply slim while I'm still a big slight on the overweight side. Well, I don't blame him saying so cause even I began to feel discouraged by the situation. So, I told myself that my goal is just to finish th run without walking, just run all the way.
After the Women Open has begun, I quickly made my way to the starting line, well, I didn't want to begin the run at the back of the crowd, minimizing my chances to get the so called finisher's medal. And at 7.25am, we were off!

If you can spot me, even Superman would take you up to be his sidekick...
I started off with a running pace of around 5:38 per km, which is very fast since my average pace is usually around 6:20 only. I guess adrenaline kicked in during the first hill that I passed through. Little did I know that this hill would be the most challenging of all later on.
During this run, the running track passed through the KTM Komuter railway line, where I guess the driver was friendly enough to honk as a gesture of good luck. Best part is, it also passed by UPM golf course, and though I'm an avid golfer, I actually totally forgot about it and didn't even check out the course. Well, I guess I have to set up a game there to try the course next time. From here on, I will use distance markers as to mention the going on off the runs.
3.5km : Arrived at the first water station. Some runners have actually stopped to refill or to quench their thirst. I jut went on as at that point I still did not find the need to stop for a breather.
6.4km : Split time for D-Tag. All 1km runners are supposed to run through this to get their run clocked at the halfway line. Mine was at 37:39.95.
7.2km : There was this volunteer dude that I felt like punching right in the face. He kept yelling to the male runners about how the female runners are faster than uscause they're in front. Look, the women started first and OBVIOUSLY some of them are still in front. Is that very difficult to understand???
8.4km : 2nd water station. I thought of just grabbing a cup and continue with the run. However, the volunteers are a bit slow on filling up the cups and there are even some runners that actually took up more than 1 cup. If you people need more thn 1 cup, just take a bottle lor... So, I had to take a bottle of water to carry with me, and continue with the race.
8.7km : Spotted a dustbin. Gulped down around half of the bottle, wet my hair a bit, and dumped the bottle into the dustbin. Unable to drench myself cause of the earphones. What a waste of good water!
10.0km : Final hill of the run. And what a monster it was! I think the hill was around 40 - 50 degress slope and 200 to 300 mentres in distance. Actually felt like walking then. But refused to and then the vomit feeling came. Managed to hold it back but that hill actually stopped me from actually achieving a pace of less than 6 minutes per km.
11.0km : Finishing line. I actually sprinted the last 300 metres after entering the stadium gate. Saw a lot of people by the sidelines, hoping that my colleague is there and capturing my finishing moments. Below is how the run looks like.
Unfortunately, he wasn't there as he walked most of his 5km fun run (no wonder it's called fun, if you're not having any fun, might as well walk, hehehehe...). When I finished, I was overjoyed to see that the volunteers giving out medals were still there. Collected my medal and then was shown the way to collect the gift packs (more of that later).
After queuing up for watermelons and cups and cups of Revive (Thank you so much Revive!), I finally called up my colleague who has just arrived at the finishing line. We mt up and I tried to sound disappointed for not getting the medal (sorry bro, hehehehe...). When I finally showed him the medal, he was more ecstatic than I am, for whatever reason he has. So we took turns taking pictures with the medal being all proud and such.

Proud winner of the finisher's medal

Though unhygienic, can't help myself from biting it...

Picture with Rafiqy, office colleague.
After gobbling down on some Nestle products as breakfast, we decided to go back although at that time it was only 9.30am. Need much needed rest after a hectic run as my colleague mentioned, hehehe...
However, when arrived home only my 2nd son was at home as my wife has brought my eldest out for a morning treat. So, not knowing what to do, here is the picture of the day.

This is what happens when you leave a very unoccupied husband with a baby at home, hehehehe...
There, I started to go through the goodie bag, and after the disspointment has gone away, these are the contents of the bag. Probably shouldn't have had a very high expectations on the goodie bag (was hoping for vouchers or discount coupons for shoes).

Nice but not what had in mind.
Finally, after a week, the list of runners and their time came out and I was posted at 466| 707 | 780. Can look up my position at the roster below. For a full list of the race, can go to this link : read or not?
SO, that's it for the Miznuo Wave Run 2010 posted by me, hehehehe... Before anyone ask, my next race would be Malakoff KL Run 2010 which would be held in November. Till then, cheerio...
Kiddster : Yeay, Got myself a medal!!!